First Week of University


Well my first week of University has been completed.  It is so much fun and I have met so many new people.  There has been so many events this week at Concordia and I know that Concordia is always busy with fun events.  I am having so much fun getting to run here as well as study here.  Tonight is my first cross country race with my University team.  I made sure that my Garcia Socks are ready to go for the race.  I know that Garcia will be with me the whole time I am racing.  I will run as fast as I can for Garcia!  I know that Garcia is doing very well.  He had another test to see how many cells were his and how many were the donors.  Once again the donors cells made up 95% of Garcia’s cells and 5% were unidentifiable.  That is very good because it means that Garcia’s bad and old cells are not invading his body.  

I had a great first day at school.  My brain is getting filled with lots of new information.

I had a great first day at school. My brain is getting filled with lots of new information.

These are some of my new and amazing friends that I have met at school.  They all want to come to Canada, so maybe one day you will get to meet them.

These are some of my new and amazing friends that I have met at school. They all want to come to Canada, so maybe one day you will get to meet them.

I get to walk along this beautiful path everyday to get to class.

I get to walk along this beautiful path everyday to get to class.

We had Concordia Fest at my school.  There was bouncy castles, a dunk tank, snow cones and all kinds of fun games to play.  I thought this bouncy castle looked the most fun.

We had Concordia Fest at my school. There was bouncy castles, a dunk tank, snow cones and all kinds of fun games to play. I thought this bouncy castle looked the most fun.

On one of my morning runs I saw this Deer.  We both stopped to look at each other.

On one of my morning runs I saw this Deer. We both stopped to look at each other.

Also on my morning run I saw a giant flock of Geese.  We have a lot of Geese on our campus.

Also on my morning run I saw a giant flock of Geese. We have a lot of Geese on our campus.

I am so thankful for everyone’s support through out my fundraising efforts!  With out everyone’s support this entire journey would not have been so successful! Remember that the in-trust bank account will be closing on the 2nd of September.  If there are any last minute donations you can either put them in the account or contact me at  Please continue to send positive prayers and messages to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Campus Fun


Well Garcia University is so much fun, or as you referred to it, “toot school.”  I am meeting lots of new friends and doing lots of activities that I know you would love!  There was a colour run where I got covered in green, blue, pink, purple and yellow powder.  We also had a game night that was dinosaur themed.  I have been at training camp all week with my cross country team, but tomorrow the real work begins.  Practices will start up amongst my school schedule.  I am so excited for class to start!  I love school and hope that when you start school you love it too!  I love you so much!

This is me and my friend Courtney at our campus game night.  It was dinosaur themed and a lot of fun!

This is me and my friend Courtney at our campus game night. It was dinosaur themed and a lot of fun!

These are some of my new friends Garcia.  We had so much fun running through all of the coloured powder.  Maybe the Garcia Cartoon Classic should have had some green powder to run through.

These are some of my new friends Garcia. We had so much fun running through all of the coloured powder. Maybe the Garcia Cartoon Classic should have had some green powder to run through.

This is me after the colour run that my school had.  It was a lot of fun and I felt like a walking rainbow.

This is me after the colour run that my school had. It was a lot of fun and I felt like a walking rainbow.

This was my team lining up to play dinosaur dodgeball.

This was my team lining up to play dinosaur dodgeball.

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family! Thanks for reading!

Fun in Ann Arbor


The last couple of days have been filled with so much fun Garcia.  I have run lots and spent so much time with my new friends. I hope you are doing well and enjoying your time at home.  I got to see Bob and Tracey today.  We went to downtown Ann Arbor.  You would like it there!  They have lots of ice cream shops, toy stores and a hands on museum designed just for kids.  One day I hope you can come visit me.  I have my first race coming up this Friday and I will make sure to be wearing my Garcia Socks!  I know they will make me go fast and feel like I have you there with me.  I love you so much and miss you so much!

Bob, Tracey and I stopped for a drink before they had to go home.

Bob, Tracey and I stopped for a drink before they had to go home.

This was a really cool theatre.  I know this isn't like the Brantford theatre.

This was a really cool theatre. I know this isn’t like the Brantford theatre.

This was a cool place called Nickles Arcade.  They didn't have any arcade games but I thought you might like to see how cool it looks.

This was a cool place called Nickles Arcade. They didn’t have any arcade games but I thought you might like to see how cool it looks.

I went to the football scrimmage today with Courtney and the rest of my dorm.  It was so much fun cheering on my new school.

I went to the football scrimmage today with Courtney and the rest of my dorm. It was so much fun cheering on my new school.

I also went to see a volleyball game.  I will have to get you and Cuba Concordia T-shirts so that you can cheer my school on.

I also went to see a volleyball game. I will have to get you and Cuba Concordia T-shirts so that you can cheer my school on.

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

School with a View


Well today I explored my campus with one of my teammates and new friend, Courtney.  It was so much fun and the campus is beautiful.  I know Garcia would love to go down to the docks and watch all the ducks in the pond!  Garcia’s counts are good and he is infection free.  I am so proud of Garcia for being so strong throughout this whole process.  I always think of Garcia because I put a picture he made me above my computer on my desk.  The total amount raised so far is $6800.  I want to thank everyone who has helped to support the Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada and Garcia.  I don’t have a Garcia socks photo for today because my socks are resting up before my big race with my team next Friday.  I love my socks so much and don’t want to risk them getting a hole.

This is my new friend Courtney!  She is on the cross country team, my roommate and really nice!

This is my new friend Courtney! She is on the cross country team, my roommate and really nice!  

This is what I get to see every night at sunset.  It is beautiful at my school and I hope you get to see some beautiful sunsets at your house.

This is what I get to see every night at sunset. It is beautiful at my school and I hope you get to see some beautiful sunsets at your house.

Tonight the cross country team had a bonfire.  We roasted marshmallows and made smokes.  They were yummy!

Tonight the cross country team had a bonfire. We roasted marshmallows and made smokes. They were yummy!

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

300 Miles


Today I added 8.79 miles, which makes a total of 301.47.  Well I reached my goal of running 300 miles by the end of the summer.  I had a blast doing it and know that Garcia helped me feel strong throughout this entire process.   No matter what he was going through he stayed positive and I am so happy he is starting to feel a bit better.  Garcia and his entire family are amazing.  I love them all so much and I know everyone else who knows them loves them too!  I will continue my blog for a bit longer just to keep people updated on Garcia and how much is raised by the end of the summer.  Remember that I will close the intrust account on the 2nd of September, so until then if there are still people interested in donating they can. 

This is the official Garcia Socks.  I wore my new team jacket in honour of reaching 300 miles while with my new team.

This is the official Garcia Socks. I wore my new team jacket in honour of reaching 300 miles while with my new team.

I want to thank everyone who continues to read my blog!  I especially want to thank Garcia for reading my blog and leaving the cutest comments!  I hope he enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed doing it.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

I am here


Well Garcia I am here in Michigan.  I had my first practice tonight with the new team.  They are all so nice and I told them about my socks and you!  I also found a place on my wall for the special picture you and your brother made for me.  Your socks made me feel at home tonight now that I am in America!  I can’t wait to show you all of my new friends on the cross country team.  I hope you are doing well!  Tonight I added 5.78 miles, which makes a total of 292.68.   

Here is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day!  Today I had my first workout with my new team at Concordia University.

Here is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day! Today I had my first workout with my new team at Concordia University.

This is a view on my campus that I thought was really pretty tonight.

This is a view on my campus that I thought was really pretty tonight.

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Last Night


Tonight was my last night in Canada before I leave to go to University.  I went out for dinner with my mom, dad, Grandma, Grandpy and Grandpa.  We went to The Works and had a very nice dinner before I have to go. Tomorrow I head off to University and my sister has to stay at my house to keep the cats company.  I am excited to show all of my new teammates my Garcia Socks.  I know they will love them and probably want a pair.  I will be continuing my blog in Michigan.  I can’t wait to show Garcia my school and everything else in Ann Arbor that is cool.  Today I added 11 miles, which makes a total of 286.81.

This was my dinner tonight!  I made sure to get olives on my burger because I know that Garcia loves olives just like me!

This was my dinner tonight! I made sure to get olives on my burger because I know that Garcia loves olives just like me!

Tonight I went out for my last dinner before I go off to school.

Tonight I went out for my last dinner before I go off to school.

This photo was from a while ago, but I am wearing my new University T-shirt.  Tomorrow I join my fellow Cardinals!

This photo was from a while ago, but I am wearing my new University T-shirt. Tomorrow I join my fellow Cardinals!

Just so that everyone knows I will be closing the intrust bank account on September 2nd and dispersing the funds to AAMAC and Garcia.  Everyone who donated $20 or more will receive a tax receipt for 75% of their donation.  If anyone is still interested in donating they can still deposit money into the account until the 2nd.  I will give a total of the funds raised before I close the account.  Thank you so much to everyone that has donated and supporting the cause.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Grad Dinner


Tonight I went out to Speekezzies for dinner.  I went out with my parents, godparents and their daughter.  We are both heading off to university and were saying our final goodbyes before we head off.  I can’t wait to go to university and show Garcia some of the cool places in Michigan.  Today was day 51 after Garcia’s transplant.  So far everything is going well for Garcia and I hope it continues to go well.  In the photo below I thought the socks went really well with my dress.  I added 6.21 miles, which makes a total of 275.81.

Tonight I went out to celebrate going off to university with my friend Erin.  I will be off to University soon!

Tonight I went out to celebrate going off to university with my friend Erin. We will be off to University soon!

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Cineplex Movie Theater


Today I went to the movie theatre with my mom.  We saw The Hundred Foot Journey.  It was very good.  I know Garcia likes to watch movies so I thought I would show him one of the coolest places to watch movies.  Hopefully when he is a bit older he will be able to go to the movies and see a really good movie!  The Brantford theatre also donated a prize to the Garcia Cartoon Classic, so I went to thank them today.

This is the movie theatre in Brantford.  Today I went to see a movie here with my mom.  The Movie theatre also donated a prize for the Garcia Cartoon Classic.

This is the movie theatre in Brantford. Today I went to see a movie here with my mom. The Movie theatre also donated a prize for the Garcia Cartoon Classic.

They have a lot of movies in the theatres right now.   I know Garcia likes movies and will enjoy seeing big screen movies when he is older.

They have a lot of movies in the theatres right now. I know Garcia likes movies and will enjoy seeing big screen movies when he is older.

Today I saw The Hundred Foot Journey with my mom.  It was really good and reminded me of my 300 Mile Journey.

Today I saw The Hundred Foot Journey with my mom. It was really good and reminded me of my 300 Mile Journey.

Garcia has been having fun at home and feeling good! I added 7.07 miles, which makes a total of 269.6.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Train Station


Today I ran to the Brantford Train Station.  I know how much Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought I would go to a place where there was a guarantee of seeing trains.  Yesterday Garcia received two photos autographed by the Incredibles and the Mickey Mouse Gang.  There is a picture of Garcia below with his autographs.  Today I added 4.97 miles, which makes a total of 262.53.

This is Garcia with his autographs from the Incredibles and fab 5.

This is Garcia with his autographs from the Incredibles and fab 5.

This is the Brantford train station.  I know Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought he would like to see the place where the trains actually stop in Brantford.

This is the Brantford train station. I know Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought he would like to see the place where the trains actually stop in Brantford.

The Brantford Train station kind of looks like something out of a movie.

The Brantford Train station kind of looks like something out of a movie.

There are lots of track with trains on them here.

There are lots of track with trains on them here.

This is the official Garcia socks photo of the day. I tried to get

This is the official Garcia socks photo of the day. I tried to get both the trains and the cool station

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!