

Today my sister Sarah came home.  She is getting the final steps of her wedding sorted out, so she had to come home for the weekend.  I know Garcia has hung out with my sister before and knows how goofy and fun she can be.  Older siblings are awesome!  I know my sister is amazing, just like Cuba is amazing to Garcia.  Garcia and Cuba have been enjoying each others company.  They have been able to play outside at home and catch up.  I am really happy to hear every day how much fun they are having together.

This is my sister Sarah!  She is a great older sibling, just like Cuba is to Garcia.

This is my sister Sarah! She is a great older sibling, just like Cuba is a great older sibling for Garcia.

Today I added 7.17 miles, which makes a total of 228.37.  I am only 71.63 miles away from my goal of 300.  Now you may wonder what I will do when I reach the 300 mile mark.  I will of course continue to run for Garcia!  I will always run for Garcia for as long as I run in my socks.  I will be off running races at university and showing Garcia all of the places and races I run in.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

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