300 Miles


Today I added 8.79 miles, which makes a total of 301.47.  Well I reached my goal of running 300 miles by the end of the summer.  I had a blast doing it and know that Garcia helped me feel strong throughout this entire process.   No matter what he was going through he stayed positive and I am so happy he is starting to feel a bit better.  Garcia and his entire family are amazing.  I love them all so much and I know everyone else who knows them loves them too!  I will continue my blog for a bit longer just to keep people updated on Garcia and how much is raised by the end of the summer.  Remember that I will close the intrust account on the 2nd of September, so until then if there are still people interested in donating they can. 

This is the official Garcia Socks.  I wore my new team jacket in honour of reaching 300 miles while with my new team.

This is the official Garcia Socks. I wore my new team jacket in honour of reaching 300 miles while with my new team.

I want to thank everyone who continues to read my blog!  I especially want to thank Garcia for reading my blog and leaving the cutest comments!  I hope he enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed doing it.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “300 Miles

  1. Krystina

    Hey Steph it’s Tony.
    I wanted to thank you and your family again for all your support through this journey.
    Great job on being so committed and completing the 300 miles!!!!

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