The Final Tally


Well it has been a very fun journey!  I have enjoyed every minute of running and fundraising for Garcia and the Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada.  After running more then 300 miles, holding a successful fundraising run, and meeting so many amazing people, the total amount fundraised is $7000.  I could not be more thrilled and thankful for all of the support I have been given as well as all of the support that has been given to Garcia and the AAMAC.  I am so thankful for all of the amazing people that fundraised towards the AAMAC and Garcia.  Without you this entire journey would not have been so outstanding.  I also want to thank all of the people that contributed to the Garcia Cartoon Classic.  The Cartoon Classic would not have been as much fun as it was without all of the people that helped and donated.  Garcia and his family still have a long journey ahead of them.  There are also many people who suffer with Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia on a regular basis who are not as fortunate as Garcia to find a bone marrow donor. For these people blood donations are a great gift.  Even if you can’t donate blood just keep these people in your prayers and give them strength to keep fighting.  I want to thank Garcia and his family so much!  Along this whole journey they have been so supportive and strong!  My Garcia Socks are my favourite clothing item and always will be!


Here is my final official Garcia Socks photo for my fundraising journey. I will continue to wear my Garcia Socks and show them off everywhere I run.


I had a big race at the Spartan Invitational and I of course had my Garcia Socks on. They helped me to run fast!

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family as their journey continues.  Their entire family is so special to me and I have loved every minute of getting to fundraise for them and the AAMAC.  Thank you so much to everyone who has kept up with my blog!  I will continue to post some photos from time to time so that Garcia can see where his socks have travelled.  Thank you so much for reading and supporting every step, stride and mile of mine and Garcia’s journey.

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