Cineplex Movie Theater


Today I went to the movie theatre with my mom.  We saw The Hundred Foot Journey.  It was very good.  I know Garcia likes to watch movies so I thought I would show him one of the coolest places to watch movies.  Hopefully when he is a bit older he will be able to go to the movies and see a really good movie!  The Brantford theatre also donated a prize to the Garcia Cartoon Classic, so I went to thank them today.

This is the movie theatre in Brantford.  Today I went to see a movie here with my mom.  The Movie theatre also donated a prize for the Garcia Cartoon Classic.

This is the movie theatre in Brantford. Today I went to see a movie here with my mom. The Movie theatre also donated a prize for the Garcia Cartoon Classic.

They have a lot of movies in the theatres right now.   I know Garcia likes movies and will enjoy seeing big screen movies when he is older.

They have a lot of movies in the theatres right now. I know Garcia likes movies and will enjoy seeing big screen movies when he is older.

Today I saw The Hundred Foot Journey with my mom.  It was really good and reminded me of my 300 Mile Journey.

Today I saw The Hundred Foot Journey with my mom. It was really good and reminded me of my 300 Mile Journey.

Garcia has been having fun at home and feeling good! I added 7.07 miles, which makes a total of 269.6.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Train Station


Today I ran to the Brantford Train Station.  I know how much Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought I would go to a place where there was a guarantee of seeing trains.  Yesterday Garcia received two photos autographed by the Incredibles and the Mickey Mouse Gang.  There is a picture of Garcia below with his autographs.  Today I added 4.97 miles, which makes a total of 262.53.

This is Garcia with his autographs from the Incredibles and fab 5.

This is Garcia with his autographs from the Incredibles and fab 5.

This is the Brantford train station.  I know Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought he would like to see the place where the trains actually stop in Brantford.

This is the Brantford train station. I know Garcia likes to watch trains when he is at my house, so I thought he would like to see the place where the trains actually stop in Brantford.

The Brantford Train station kind of looks like something out of a movie.

The Brantford Train station kind of looks like something out of a movie.

There are lots of track with trains on them here.

There are lots of track with trains on them here.

This is the official Garcia socks photo of the day. I tried to get

This is the official Garcia socks photo of the day. I tried to get both the trains and the cool station

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Speed Stacks and Violin


Today I ran around my neighbourhood and thought I would record some videos for Garcia when I got home.  Unfortunately I will have to try an upload them tomorrow because they are not working.  When Garcia is at my moms house I play my violin for him.  I always try to play whatever he requests.  Today I figured out how to play the pink panther theme song.  I recorded it, but unfortunately it didn’t upload.   I also took another video of me speed stacking for Garcia.  I know he has a set of speed stacks and he has seen me speed stack more then once.  Today I added 5.08 miles, which makes a total of 257.56.

Today the official Garcia Socks photo of the day is of me playing the violin and holding my speed stacks.

Today the official Garcia Socks photo of the day is of me playing the violin and holding my speed stacks.

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Big Brothers


Tonight was very special.  My brother came to visit from Toronto before I head off to University.  Big brothers are awesome at making younger siblings feel special.  I know my brother makes me laugh every time I see him.  He always teaches me something new because he is older and wiser.  I know Cuba makes Garcia laugh and is able to teach him all kinds of new stuff because he is older.  I love my big brother and know Garcia loves his big brother too!  I added 6.29 miles, which makes a total of 252.48.

This is Garcia and his big brother Cuba.  Cuba is such a great big brother to Garcia.  This is them posing with all of the Grinch heart messages from the classic.

This is Garcia and his big brother Cuba. Cuba is such a great big brother to Garcia. This is them posing with all of the Grinch heart messages from the classic.

This is me with my awesome big brother.  We went to Dairee Delite tonight and spent time together before I have to go off to University.

This is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day.  This is me with my awesome big brother. We went to Dairee Delite tonight and spent time together before I have to go off to University.

Today Garcia went to Sick Kids. Although some of his blood counts were lower then last time the doctors were still happy with his progress.  The doctors said that if his counts continued to rise they might have been concerned more then if they go down.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers for Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Spring Street Park


Today I had another play day.  I went to Spring Street park and took photos on their play equipment. When I used to play rugby Garcia would come to this park and watch my team practice.  When I was younger I would play at this park all of the time because it is not too far from my grandparents house.  I loved this park so much, and I know Garcia loves this park too!  I added 5 miles, which makes a total 246.19.

Garcia loves to go to Spring Street Park and play on the equipment.  He used to come and watch me practice rugby at this park when I played for BCI.

Garcia loves to go to Spring Street Park and play on the equipment. He used to come and watch me practice rugby at this park when I played for BCI.

This bridge is always fun to cross.  Garcia loves to run across the bridge.

This bridge is always fun to cross. Garcia loves to run across the bridge.

This wheel is always fun to steer.  It feels like the play equipment is going to drive away.

This wheel is always fun to steer. It feels like the play equipment is going to drive away.

This is Garcia's swing!  He always swings in this one.  I am a bit big for this swing I think.

This is Garcia’s swing! He always swings in this one. I am a bit big for this swing I think.

If you haven’t seen the photos from the Garcia Cartoon Classic yet here is the link:

The photos Kara Wilson took look amazing! As a reminder there is a coupon for 15% off using coupon code WSP4330 and 10% of sales goes to my fundraising campaign.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Mohawk Park Playground


Today I went back to Mohawk Park to take photos of the play equipment and the new train.  Last time I was at Mohawk Park I was at the children’s festival and didn’t have a chance to take photos of the equipment where I know Garcia likes to play.  I hope Garcia enjoys these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.  I know Garcia got to play on a bouncy castle today.  I know he probably enjoyed that as much as Mohawk Park, so I am happy he is having a lot of fun!  Today I added 9.32 miles, which makes a total of 241.19.

This is a new train that goes around Mohawk Park.  I know that Garcia will enjoy a ride on this train eventually.  It sounds and looks just like a train that is on the tracks.

This is a new train that goes around Mohawk Park. I know that Garcia will enjoy a ride on this train eventually. It sounds and looks just like a train that is on the tracks.

This is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day!  Garcia loves to go to to the play ground at Mohawk Park.

This is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day! Garcia loves to go to to the play ground at Mohawk Park.

The slides are always enjoyed by Garcia!  This slide is a duo slide which is perfect for racing.

The slides are always enjoyed by Garcia! This slide is a duo slide which is perfect for racing.

Garcia likes to go through these tunnels and hide.

Garcia likes to go through these tunnels and hide.

I had a bit of fun on the equipment while I was doing my blog today!  I

I had a bit of fun on the equipment while I was doing my blog today! I

I went up the monkey bars so I came down the fireman pole.  I know Garcia is too little to do these activities at the park, but I thought I would show him my favourite activities at the park.

I went up the monkey bars so I came down the fireman pole. I know Garcia is too little to do these activities at the park, but I thought I would show him my favourite activities at the park.

I know this is a fun bouncy platform that Garcia likes to jump on.  The little girl on the platform was probably wondering what I was doing on the platform.

I know this is a fun bouncy platform that Garcia likes to jump on. The little girl on the platform was probably wondering what I was doing on the platform.

I decided to be a clown today!  I hope I make Garcia laugh!

I decided to be a clown today! I hope I make Garcia laugh!

This is the big twisty slide that is one of the highlights at Mohawk Park.

This is the big twisty slide that is one of the highlights at Mohawk Park.

Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Market Donations


Today I went back to the market because I wanted to show Garcia everyone that donated prizes for the Garcia Cartoon Classic that is at the market.  There are so many kind people and businesses at the market that I truly want to thank.  All of the business names are below their picture.  Everyone at the market has been so kind to me and my fundraising efforts.  With out everyones donations the day of the Cartoon Classic would not have been as successful as it was.  I feel so lucky to have met everyone I have at the market.  Garcia, everyone at the market is really amazing and really cares about you and anyone that needs help.  I also received 3 more monetary donations at the market today from people who have been keeping up with my blog.  I added 3.50 miles, which makes a total of 231.87.

Tipperary Bog

Thank you Tipperary Bog!

Vangro farms

Thank you Vangro farms!



Josie Testam

Thank you Josie Testam and Soley Cannoli!

Hunters Maple Bush

Thank you Hunters Maple Bush!

Grand River Soap Co.

Thank you Grand River Soap Co.!

Grand River Soap Co.

Thank you Grand River Soap Co.!

DeLizcious Treats

Thank you DeLizcious Treats!


Thank you JEAN HANES!

Original kettlecorn

Thank you Original kettlecorn!

Serendipity by Crafty

Thank you Serendipity by Crafty!

Today Garcia and his family received some exciting news.  95% of Garcia’s cells are the donors cells, which is what you want after a bone marrow transplant.  This means that Garcia’s bad cells aren’t in his body making him sick like he was before the transplant.  I am so happy about this news.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!



Today my sister Sarah came home.  She is getting the final steps of her wedding sorted out, so she had to come home for the weekend.  I know Garcia has hung out with my sister before and knows how goofy and fun she can be.  Older siblings are awesome!  I know my sister is amazing, just like Cuba is amazing to Garcia.  Garcia and Cuba have been enjoying each others company.  They have been able to play outside at home and catch up.  I am really happy to hear every day how much fun they are having together.

This is my sister Sarah!  She is a great older sibling, just like Cuba is to Garcia.

This is my sister Sarah! She is a great older sibling, just like Cuba is a great older sibling for Garcia.

Today I added 7.17 miles, which makes a total of 228.37.  I am only 71.63 miles away from my goal of 300.  Now you may wonder what I will do when I reach the 300 mile mark.  I will of course continue to run for Garcia!  I will always run for Garcia for as long as I run in my socks.  I will be off running races at university and showing Garcia all of the places and races I run in.  Please continue to send positive messages and prayers to Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!

Running Partner


Today on my run I brought my little Grinch along with me.  I thought it would be fun to take a photo of the Grinch in front of some of the businesses that donated prizes.  It was fun to have a little green running partner.  I added 5.46 mies, which makes a total of 221.2.  I hope everyone enjoyed the photos from the Classic by Kara Wilson as much as I did!

Present Times

Present Times



Moose Winooski's

Moose Winooski’s

Me posing with my running partner for the day aka the Grinch.

This is the official Garcia Socks photo of the day.  It’s me posing with my running partner for the day aka the Grinch.

I know Garcia has to go up to the hospital to get some treatments this week.  Please continue to pray for Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!  

Marion and Phil’s


Today I ran to my Grandparents house.  Garcia would often visit my Grandparents and has lots of favourite things to do at their house.  Garcia loves to play with the talking Shrek and Donkey cookie jar, ride the chair lift, push the fart machine buttons and play with the toys in the toy closet.  My Grandparents say hi to Garcia and hope he likes all of the photos. Today I added 6.30 miles, which makes a total of 215.74.  Kara Wilson, the photographer from the Garcia Cartoon Classic uploaded the photos from the classic today.  The photos look amazing, and if you are interested in purchasing any 10% will come back to the fundraising efforts for the AAMAC and Garcia.  Take a look at the photos here:  

This a Shrek and Donkey cookie jar.  I know Garcia loves this cookie jar because it talks when you open it.

This a Shrek and Donkey cookie jar. I know Garcia loves this cookie jar because it talks when you open it.

This is a stuffed Donkey that belongs to my Grandpy.  I know Garcia likes Donkey.

This is a stuffed Donkey that belongs to my Grandpy. I know Garcia likes Donkey.

These are my Grandparents, Marion and Phil.  Garcia would go and visit them with my mom.  They have a toy cupboard that Garcia likes to get toys from.

These are my Grandparents, Marion and Phil. Garcia would go and visit them with my mom. They have a toy cupboard that Garcia likes to get toys from.

This is the chair lift that Garcia likes to ride on at my Grandparents house.  He would love to take rides up and down the stairs.

This is the chair lift that Garcia likes to ride on at my Grandparents house. He would love to take rides up and down the stairs.

Bertie is a dog that always greets people that come to my Grandparents house.  Bertie likes to greet Garcia.

Bertie is a dog that always greets people that come to my Grandparents house. Bertie likes to greet Garcia.

Garcia really enjoyed all of his treats and messages from the Garcia Cartoon Classic.  He put up the KM marker pictures of the characters in his play room.  Please continue to pray for Garcia and his family!  Thanks for reading!